Monday, August 8, 2011

In My Next Life, I'm Coming Back as a House Cat

It's a Friday morning, and I'm lying around bloated and in pain (don't ask!). To take my mind off my super-fun situation, I decide to observe our cat, Pepper, just to see how she fills her day. This observation takes place over the span on only two and a half hours, but man does she have a full schedule! See for yourself:

Stare at me (Interpretation: Why the hell are you home?)
Look out the window
Look out the other window
Quick jog across the living room
Surprise inspection of the front hallway
Back at the window, murmuring threats at the squirrels outside
Stare at me (Interpretation: What the hell are you writing?)
Clean some more
Stare at things I can't see
Stare at more invisible stuff (Seriously, why do cats do that?)
Nap to end all naps
Watch a little more Outside TV
Roll around favorite spot on the carpet
In-depth analysis and assessment of my actions (IE, sit in the middle of my notepad)
Quiet contemplation in dark space between two boxes
Back for an intense inspection of my pen
Official tour of the front half of the living room
Vanish into thin air

... And she's gone! Just like that. To goodness knows what dark and secret recess within the house. Oh well. Watching Pepper for just this short amount of time has made me antsy to fill my own day. Maybe I'll roll my bloated self over to the window and cuss out a few squirrels, too.

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