Sometimes you just have a taste for Flamin' Hot Cheetos, you know what I'm saying? YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING?! Of course you do. Everyone enjoys the searing, tongue-burning, somewhat-excruciating deliciousness of Flamin' Hots!
Recently, I was in just such a mood to do grievous bodily harm to my taste buds. So after work, I decided to buy a bag from our brand new, but kinda creepy, vending machine. The picture above does not really convey the creepiness. It doesn't have its own internal light source like most vending machines, which gives it a spooky, haunted look when you walk up to (especially alone, at the end of the day... should I have brought Holy water?).
Oh, I exaggerate! A little bit of spookiness is not going to keep me from getting my corn snack that is a type of red that could not possibly occur in nature! So, I put A WHOLE FREAKIN' DOLLAR into the machine for my Flamin' Hot Cheetos. I watch the cork screw thingy turn to release my bag. It gets about half way around, then... stops. With my Cheetos still caught, DOG GONE IT!
My first instinct-- like anyone elses-- is to shake the vending machine in order to free my trapped Cheetos. But they bolt these machines to the floor now, and shoving them usually ends with a bruised shoulder, hurt feelings and NO CHEETOS. I'm mulling this over when I hear change dropping into the coin slot, which is strange. I put in the exact amount (I repeat: A WHOLE FREAKIN' DOLLAR!), so I shouldn't be getting any change back.
I reach into the coin slot, and pull out four quarters. The machine has given me a dollar in change. Hold on... somehow this vending machine has realized that it did not give me my item AND HAS DECIDED TO REFUND MY MONEY OF ITS OWN ACCORD.
Well, that's just... Wow. Just, wow.
Maybe this is the new thing: smart vending machines. However, I Googled "vending machines" and "refund," and the only results I got were site after site about the best ways to obtain a refund because their sorry-excuse-for-a-vending-machine was DEFINITELY NOT giving them their items OR their money back. I guess this type of machine is too new to have articles about it yet. Or maybe the reason my machine has no light source inside of it is because there was no more room for one, once it was packed full of Compassion.
Anyway, Flamin' Hot Cheetos MUST BE HAD (There is no try!), so I plunk those quarters back into the vending machine, and this time I finally get my little bag of I'll-never-get-this-red-dust-off-of-my-fingertips goodness!
But I think that I got more than just my Flamin' Hots. I also got a bit of proof that there is still good in this world. And all for a (WHOLE FREAKIN') dollar.
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